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What is MiSO3?

A technology solution that revolutionizes your business intelligence with automated processing of vendor invoices and inventories, turning them into actionable data. Gain constant visibility into your expenses, track changes effortlessly, and receive timely prompts for strategic decision-making.


  • MiSO3 hosts and analyzes all vendor service information
  • MiSO3 extracts, transforms, and ingests data from any third-party source to includes portals, APIs, and invoices


A centralized hub for accurate information on all your vendor service commitments. Stay informed with real-time updates on costs, terms, and ownership that can be seamlessly utilized across your the entire organization.

Eliminate Waste

MiSO3 consistently analyzes your service inventory for inefficiencies. Start identifying services that are not actively used and ensure that you are paying the market rate for the services you do utilize.

Drive Efficiency

Let MiSO3 automation meticulously navigate through portals and invoices, eliminating the need for cumbersome spreadsheets and pivot tables. Experience the simplicity of making informed and actionable decisions effortlessly.

Become an Expert

Service management begins and ends with data management. Irrespective of vendor or technology, equip yourself with the information to assess ongoing needs and anticipate future decisions.

Recurring services come in three primary forms


Fixed for a specified term with cost driven from individual service orders. Examples include telecom and licensing.


Quantity based services interchangeable by user assignment. Examples include software-as-a-service (SaaS) and content solutions.


Units consumed based service and billed in arears. Examples include cloud compute and IP traffic driven offerings.

Our Existing Clients


Whether you have a sizable team grappling with vendor service commitments or are just beginning to understand the challenges, MiSO3 can assist you. Begin with a single supplier or a specific type of supplier—MiSO3 offers the flexibility to grow with your needs.

MiSO3 Direct

Start Fresh

  • The platform seamlessly extracts and transforms your billed services directly from vendor invoices and inventories. What sets MiSO3 Direct apart is its proactive approach—not only processing provided data but also autonomously logging into portals and connecting to APIs to gather often scattered information.

MiSO3 Amplify

Do Better

  • Are you currently using a Telecom Expense Management (TEM) system, but finding it only beneficial for the finance team as an Accounts Payable feed? Cumbersome interfaces and complex reporting limit its usefulness to all, putting valuable information out of reach. With Amplify, MiSO3 steps in, extracting this data and transforming it into actionable intelligence that can be effortlessly shared across the organization, from operations to procurement to IT.

MiSO3 Enrich


  • Vendor invoicing systems are crafted to inform you about what you owe, lacking detailed insights into the services you are paying for. The majority of this crucial information is often housed in a distinct vendor environment dedicated to provisioning, authentications, and trouble resolutions. Through Enrich, MiSO3 seamlessly merges these environments, delivering richer and more actionable data.

MiSO3 Align


  • Entering service data into a central system poses the risk of becoming out of sync with your actual billing over time. Factors like cost changes, unexpected cancellations, or alterations in vendor billing practices can contribute to discrepancies. MiSO3 Align addresses this challenge by offering a single interface and employing intelligent matching algorithms to keep you informed about accurate data and discrepancies. This not only saves you time but also aids in identifying and mitigating waste efficiently.

MiSO3 Refresh

Simply Ask

  • Have you ever questioned why the identical service from the same vendor, catering to the same location, can have two distinct costs? The explanation lies in the risk associated with your vendors. Given that a significant portion of vendors’ costs is variable, they possess the flexibility and motivation to offer discounts for services coming out of term, hoping to prevent the loss of a customer to a more competitive rival. However, many users fail to inquire about these discounts in a timely manner. Refresh automates these requests for specific vendors, accounts, or services, allowing you to assess the value of a term extension before having to commit.

How it works?

Accessing your vendor information can be a complex task due to inconsistent storage of invoices, contracts, and service orders throughout the organization. MiSO3 is purpose-built to seamlessly collect this data from one or multiple sources, actively tracking both received and pending information, ensuring a comprehensive and timely overview.

The root of industry challenges lies in data inconsistency and fragmentation

Organizations move to the cloud has accelerated the need for timely and complete information.
The lack of standardized practices in how vendors invoice and report on service commitments costs businesses billions of dollars annually.

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