Driving Efficiency through Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


In the rapidly evolving financial markets, network reliability and operational efficiency are paramount. IPC (https://ipc.com), a leading global telecom operator, has long been recognized for its mission-critical services and innovative use of technology. Leveraging senior-level engineers and advanced solutions, IPC continually seeks to optimize its operations. One significant challenge they faced was the labor-intensive task of auditing and aligning service data with current invoices, a process made complex by tens of thousands of services spanning hundreds of vendors.

The Challenge

For IPC, ensuring that costs entered in their systems matched current invoices was a tedious and timeconsuming process. This task required personnel with deep subject matter expertise to navigate the complexities of past purchases and telecom billing. With such a vast array of services and vendors, manual auditing was not only inefficient but also prone to errors, leading to unnecessary costs and financial discrepancies.

The Solution: MiSO3 Align

To address this challenge, IPC engaged MiSO3 and their Align Technology. MiSO3 automated the ingestion of data from both IPC’s telecom expense management and service inventory platforms. By identifying thousands of variables throughout the invoices and inventories, MiSO3’s Align Technology used RPA to meticulously match and align values. This automation enabled IPC to quickly identify discrepancies in costs, account mismatches, and vendor errors. What traditionally took weeks to process manually, MiSO3 Align accomplished in a matter of hours.

Benefits Realized

Mark Curley,
VP Cost of

“MiSO3 transformed our data alignment process, saving us weeks of manual work. With clear visibility and precise sorting by vendors and regions, we resolved discrepancies effortlessly. MiSO3’s automation allows us to maintain data accuracy without additional headcount, making it an invaluable asset to our operations.”

Key Advantages of MiSO3

Time Efficiency: Automated processes that complete in hours what would take weeks manually.
Cost Savings: Quick identification of discrepancies reducing financial waste.
Enhanced Visibility: Clear, organized data sorted by vendors and regions.
Scalability: Easily handles large volumes of data from multiple vendors.
Ease of Use: Simple upload and reassessment process without the need for additional personnel.


MiSO3 has revolutionized IPC’s approach to auditing service data, transforming a once tedious process into a streamlined, efficient operation. By leveraging automation, IPC not only saved time and resources but also gained critical insights into their telecom expenses. For organizations facing similar challenges, MiSO3 offers a proven solution to enhance efficiency and accuracy.

Contact Us

To learn more about how MiSO3 can help your organization streamline its telecom expense management, contact us at talktous@miso3.com